Friday, November 5, 2010


For the blog entry this weekend: post a link to an altered photo; explain what has been altered in the photo, what the purpose of this alteration is, and argue whether or not the alteration is benign or poses an ethical problem.



    Theses photos show a victorious Matt Bettencourt after his sink at the 11th hole. At first glance the Dallas Morning News photo editor, Guy Reynolds, assumed that the shots were taken at two different times and at different angles, but on further inspection he realized that this was not the case. He realized that the two pictures are exactly the same but the second one is altered so it does not appear that way. In the altered photo the man behind Bettencourt was removed, therefore creating a more aesthetically pleasing shot. Once Getty images (the owner of the photo) heard of this alteration, they killed the photo and issued and apology because the Getty Images policy, as well as basic photojournalism ethics condemn this degree of photo manipulation. I feel that this alteration does not pose an ethical problem because the alteration did not really insult anybody, but on the other hand Getty Images does not allow alteration whatsoever therefore it does pose an ethical problem.


    This photo was taken during the Lebanon War in 2006. The photographer darkened the smoke to make it more look more intense. This way when one looks at the picture the devastation will be more prevalent. He also was found to have altered many other photos. In my political science class this photo was discussed because it was a big deal when the photographer was caught. Its not uncommon for the new reporters to present the news with a twist especially when it come to discussing the middle east.

  3. (the first picture shown)

    A 2000 New York Times photo allegedly shows an Israeli policeman beating a Palestinian on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. The boy in the picture is actually a Jewish American who was riding in a cab when it was suddenly stoned by the Palestinians. He was forcibly dragged from the cab stabbed and beaten. He escaped and ran to the officer who saved him from the murderous mob. The journalist evidently intended to incite public sentiment against Israel, playing this officer out to be a cruel, violent Israeli and the boy a poor innocent Palestinian when in fact the opposite was true. The day after the picture was published the boy’s father was outraged that the photographer turned his son’s hero into a villain. The father contacted the pictures various publishers with mixed results. You can’t get any more morally wrong than deceiving the public into believing a hero to be a murderer and murderers to be innocent victims. The photographer wanted to get the most gruesome and dramatic picture to push his own anti-Israel and anti-Semitic agenda and shamelessly manipulated the interpretation of an image to do so.

    (5 pictures down in the no smoking ads)
    Its a toothbrush with the end having a bunch of cigarettes on it. The toothpaste bottle releases ashes. It is saying that if u smoke, u r directly putting crap in your body, just like you put a toothbrush and toothpaste in your mount. Bottom line, smoking kills. Dont do it.


    this photo is made up of two photographs digitally combined; one photo of John Kerry and a second of Jane Fonda. John Kerry is a former Vietnam vet and Jane Fonda is an actress. the two photographs were placed together to imply that actress Jane Fonda was an active anti-war activist during the time of the Vietnam war. this can cause an ethical problem in that, this photo was targeting Kerry's wartime experience, during his time of democratic nominations. these two photos were taken at different rallies in two different years, yet they were brought together during the time of Kerry's nomination in 2004 for presidency to make a connection between Fonda with Kerry.


    "After 2 drinks, your attention while driving will diminish by up to 76%"

    This photo shows shrunken pedestrians crossing the street, and the traffic light is in the form of a boom box. The purpose of this photo is to show the perspective of a drunk driver. The pedestrians would be difficult to spot, and the chances of killing them would be high if the driver is not in the right state of mind. Drunk driving is a huge ongoing issue; therefore, efforts need to be made in order to put a stop to it. The message in this photo is clear: do not drink and drive because if you do, not only are you putting your own life at risk, you're putting other lives on the line as well.


    These photos are all funny or weird pictures that have been made through photshop! meaning in reality they do not exist but have been made up through the computer. In this case where the illusion has been used for fun or entertainment i dont think there is anything wrong with it. Like i mentioned in class, as long as the pictures are not for serious purposes where real issues are being distorted, then anyone could go crazy with playing around with pictures. However if in war or playing around with real people then there can be an ethical problem.


    The first photo the command center image in question showed three people sitting in front of a wall of video feeds from underwater vehicles operating near the well.When examined closer it is apparent that it was altered. Images of a video feed were cut and pasted onto the black screen. The purpose of this was to mislead the public.

    Valini Persaud


    these pictures were altered in order to make the people look different. Usually, altering is done to enhance a person's features, however this time, it did not. Steinberg's teeth were whitened, his nose and chin were widened and ears were made to look longer. They did not state the purpose why although I feel that there was some controversy amongst these people which was why this occured
