Monday, September 20, 2010

blog for Tuesday, 9/21

Hi everyone,
As discussed in our last class, please post the concluding paragraph of essay one as your blog entry this time. Best, Paul Holchak


  1. Insects are more important than one might think. The fact is that nothing in this world is unimportant. A tiny creature like an ant might seem unimportant, but it is most definitely not. There is a reason why every single person, place, animal and creature is created in the world. If ants are put on this world people should think about the reason why. People often think that they cannot learn from anyone or anything that seems lower in stature than they are. Nevertheless, ants have many positive traits and man can learn so much from this tiny seemingly insignificant creature.

  2. Because of traffic lights, we have a sense of direction, and the routes to our destinations become easier and safer. Drivers and pedestrians alike need reminders on the roadways like how we need gentle reminders at the intersections and bumps in our journeys of life. As far as roadways are concerned, the lives of the drivers and pedestrians lie in the blinking of the three lights as. Simultaneously, the order of our journeys of life could be resembled by the traffic lights also.

  3. Towards the end of my Israel experience, all I think about when it rained was how special rain really is and how much I had take it for granted in America. I was convinced that when I came back to America rain just wouldn’t be the same. Rain had been something I had taken for granted, a reason to bum, something I didn’t really notice in life. My experience in Israel, turned rain into something great, worth noticing and, even more so, something worth celebrating.

  4. My home is very significant to me. It’s my personal world in which only my family and I exist (with the slight interruption of a phone call or door bell). Everything I experience in life somehow always comes home. Meaning it is always represented in my house. When two of my siblings got married, when my grandparents passed on, the house somehow participated in these events. Whether there was a party in the main room to celebrate, or I was crying in my room, without the constant, unchanging familiarity of my house, it somehow would have all been different. When I went away to camp in the summer, something would feel out of place, and when I would return home it was comforting, the familiarity. When I went to Israel for a year, of course I missed my family, but I also longed for my bed, my room, my living room, etc. After a long day of work or college, I always know that it will all be ok when I enter my house. My home is very significant to me, in that is a constant since I was born and it participated in all my life events in so many different ways.

  5. In this day and age, it is really hard to appreciate everything that is around us, especially nature. We are so caught up in our modern technology that we never stop and smell the roses. We should take time out of our lives to just appreciate one natural thing like an apple. An apple comes from a tree which comes from tiny seeds, it is truly amazing. The tree grows and produces many fruits. The apples are picked off the tree than sold in your local supermarket or even found lying around in ones backyard. There is such a myriad amount of apples to choose from, you may not know from where to start.

  6. Valini
    The cowry shell represents beauty, life and an understanding of how organisms on this earth are connected. The next trip to the beach, pick up a seashell and look at it. Pay close attention to the pattern, curves, crevices and colors. Think about the organism that it was once part of, seashells are quite exquisite. Although I never found another cowry shell, I still cherish the one my father gave me and to this day it looks the same as it did when I was a little girl. At this point in my life I longer seek a cowry shell when I go to the beach, I admire them in their natural habitat and appreciate their beauty from afar. A living cowrie is more fascinating than a dead empty shell. It is difficult to think about a day when these shells will no longer be in existence.

  7. My camera is a very important object in my life because my parents gave it to me as a gift. I am also able to save my recollections of the past wherever I am and keep them forever. My camera helps preserve many factors in my life that might be forgotten or not remembered as clearly if not photographed. Whether I keep the images on my camera to look at from time to time or print them out for display, it is truly wonderful to save beloved memories for the future. My collection of photos will enable me to tell my life story to my children one day in the future. -Rebecca Aranoff

  8. The first nail polish hit stores in 1932 and now 78 years later, nail polish has evolved. With over a hundred different colors, and different brands, nail polish can be seen on hands of the young, old, poor and rich.

  9. I think anyone who has their own room has an opportunity to make it their own creation. It gives a person the chance to design and construct a space which they feel the most comfortable. Being in my room brings back memories and makes me feel at home. I would not trade my room for anyone else’s in the whole world.
