Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 8th

Hi all,
As we discussed in class on Thursday, your first blog assignment is to post the introductory paragraph from your draft for essay one. The post should be up by the morning of Thursday September 16th when we meet next. Until then...all the best,
Paul Holchak


  1. My house is alive! Although one can argue that
    something made from red bricks, cement, wooden doors and glass windows, cannot possibly be alive, i say they are wrong. I lived in my house my whole life along with my parents and five siblings and our house has been alive through it all. Through laughter,games,sorrow, events and holidays, my house has participated in its "solid" fashion.
    -first draft first paragraph sara ostrow

  2. When my grandmother was alive her favorite thing to say to me was; “Lauren, a diamond is a girl’s best friend! Never forget that!” She told this to me so often that it became routine for us to say to each other when we were parting, I would say “Goodbye Bubbe, and don’t forget, a diamond is a girl’s best friend!” She would giggle and then repeat it back to me. In my grandmother’s case diamonds were very dear friends to her and she cherished each one that she had. I would always admire their beauty, and the gleam of the diamond matched the gleam in my grandmother’s eye when she wore them. About 5 years ago she passed away suddenly, devastating my entire family and I. My grandma meant so much to me and I loved her very much, therefore I did not accept her death easily. To remember her, she left me one of her favorite pieces of jewelry, her beautiful diamond heart necklace. This was her most cherished necklace because my grandfather bought it for her right before he passed away, and I never would have thought that one day it would belong to me. Although I would do anything to have my grandma back, her necklace holds a special place in my heart and it will always be my most cherished possession, as it was hers.
    -first paragraph, lauren sigman

  3. Do you ever think about time? Ever wonder how we know when to go somewhere, and how we know we arrived at the right time? Imagine if people just came and left as they pleased, no one to tell them it was the wrong time, whether they were too early or too late. Time is a funny thing when we actually stop to think about it. We wear watches on our hands, have clocks on the walls, and carry our phones with us too. It's no surprise every one is so concerned about time. - Melissa Blisko

  4. A few years ago, I received my shiny blue digital camera from my parents as a present. This gift was particularly special to me because pictures are such a significant part of my life. Pictures bring back memories, events, laughter and enable us to relive momentous occasions. Additionally, they allow us to remember people we have lost or rarely get to see. Since each individual has different memories from the same occasion, the same photo can bring a smile to your face or cause a tear to trickle down your cheek. Finally, nothing tells a story like a good picture, as is illustrated in the famous expression, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. A camera is a magnificent tool that captures moments and enables a photographer to treasure them forever. -Draft, first paragraph: Rebecca Aranoff

  5. Are you ever commuting to work or school on a bus and you just pass by things and you just don’t notice it’s beauty? Do you ever stop and think to yourself how complex nature is? Do you ever wonder how it all happened and where it all came from? In today’s day and age we lack appreciation for the worlds beauty, like how we don’t notice the beauty of an apple tree. An entire tree grows from one little seed. Whether God made that miracle happen or it was something else, an apple tree is such a marvelous thing.
    Marc Goldhammer

  6. When was the last time you ever looked down at the pavement as you were walking and noticed an ant? A child at a very young age might spend time crouching down staring at the sidewalk and the ants crawling through the cracks. However, most adults are often too busy to pay attention to small seemingly unimportant objects around them. The truth is nothing in this world is unimportant. A tiny creature like an ant might seem inadequate but there is a reason why every single person, place, animal and creature is created in the world. Bugs are a lot more important than one might think and there is a lot one can learn from ants and their character traits.

  7. How would our roads look without traffic lights? Would all hell break loose? Ever thought about the extent of dominance traffic lights have over us? The blinking of three lights creates order and rules for us as drivers and pedestrians to live by for safety and destination. Without traffic lights, drivers would have less control over their cars and pedestrians would not know when to walk. Everyone needs a sense of direction and some kind of authority for guidance because we do not necessarily have the best judgment on the streets. Fortunately, all it takes is a glance at the lights to determine when it is safe to cross and when to step on the gas or hit the brakes. Traffic lights are like our guardians; they’re there to steer drivers and help create safe communities for both drivers and pedestrians.

  8. Park Drive East is no ordinary block. It contains the most precious and unique structure in the whole entire world, also known as, my house! I moved into my house when I was in the first grade and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was bursting with excitement when my parents first showed me which room was mine. However, then it was just a carpeted floor with four walls, now, every time I walk in, it’s like going down memory lane.

  9. Collecting seashells along the seashore used to be one of my favorite pastime activities as a child. My father gave me my first seashell, the Tiger Cowie, and since then I became obsessed with finding seashells. I could spend hours walking on the beach, drinking coconut water in the long summer days, scouring the shimmering sand for the precious Tiger Cowrie, a glossy, spotted egg shaped mollusk shell. Understanding the essences of a seashell is at the heart of appreciating its beauty.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
    Tracey Baran’s picture, “Mom Ironing” is no exception to the adage. There is much to gather from her photograph, from the personalities of the figures present in the picture, to the message Baran conveys about the relationship between those in the photograph. Tillie Olsen’s story, “I Stand Here Ironing,” is another piece that conveys a great deal about a mother-daughter relationship. Although both pieces are similar in some ways, they communicate their message in different ways and are both distinctive. Tillie Olsen and Tracey Baran effectively express themselves through their works; both pieces vary in that effectiveness in different ways.

  12. Yafit Neiman -Rain
    Water - grass, flowers, trees, rivers, lakes, entire oceans, quencher of our thirst - did we ever stop to think where it all comes from? Did we ever stop to even notice it? Water is a heavenly gift, the power to provide it lies only in the hands of its Creator Himself.
    Here in America, rain is taken for granted. Rain is a good reason to stay in bed late, wake up and have a nice cup of hot chocolate, and sit at home cuddling underneath our blankets. Or for many women, it is an excuse to go to the mall, a perfect day to be indoors shopping. If you were to ask me two years ago what I do on a rainy day, I would probably say a combination of the two. I would wake up late, have my hot chocolate and then go to the mall. But about two years ago, my view of rain and a rainy day changed completely.

  13. I didnt see where I should post my concluding paragraph for the essay due, so here it is!

    To many people, a diamond necklace is their most prized possession because of its cash value or stylish aspects, but for me it is so much more. It is a string of memories all wrapped up in a heart pendant that reminds me of my grandmother’s deep love for me. Just as it impossible to break a diamond, it would be impossible for me to forget my remarkable grandma and when I wear my necklace I can always feel her presence. I will always miss her tremendously and sometimes when I feel lonely, I like to put on my necklace, just to add a little beauty to my life. And when I take her necklace off at night I think, “Goodbye Bubbe, and don’t forget, a diamond is a girl’s best friend!” and I know she can hear me and she is repeating it back to me, just as she used to.

  14. Valini -- Concluding paragraph
    The cowry shell represents beauty, life and an understanding of how organisms on this earth are connected. The next time one may visit the beach, pick up a seashell and look at it. Pay close attention to the pattern, curves, crevices and colors. Think about the organism that it was once part of. Seashells are quite exquisite. Although I never found another cowry shell, I still cherish the one my father gave me and to this day it looks the same as it did when I was a little girl. It is difficult to think about a day when these shells will no longer be in existence.

  15. An object that a person may see,do,or in this case play everyday,might not be as "usual"as it seems no matter how many years you have seen it,done it or played it.There is always something interesting hiding behind it that needs to be found in different ways.Once the treasure is found,that "usual" object will not be as usual as you thought,but instead you will feel as if you have never seen it before in this lifetime.An instrument in the music world,was not just something that created music,or gave pleasure to people but to those who have really seen it carefully and have found the "key" to it,it is a part of their life and their life would keep changing in various ways if they go deeper into understanding it and explore the rest of the journey.The piano taught me that when I see something everyday,no matter how usual it might look,if I try to learn more about it and see it in a different view,I would be amazed and surprised.
